Let's create something
awesome together

All rights reserved.

Arthur Asriyants

Let's create something
awesome together

All rights reserved.

Arthur Asriyants

Let's create something
awesome together

All rights reserved.

Arthur Asriyants

Let's create something
awesome together

All rights reserved.

Arthur Asriyants

My name is Arthur Asriyants

I am an Armenian-American

Сontemporary artist

My name is Arthur Asriyants

I am an Armenian-American

Сontemporary artist

My name is

Arthur Asriyants

I am an Armenian-American

Сontemporary artist

Workshop registration is on

Workshop registration is on

Workshop registration is on

Workshop registration is on

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Art Film / Performance / Sound Performance

Art Film / Performance /
Sound Performance

Innovative short film that permeates conventional definition of artistic genres to lead the viewer to find answers for the fundamental questions of human condition, such as what is love, what is freedom, and what is art.

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Early Work

Untilted, 2017

Untilted, 2017

Untilted, 2017

Untilted, 2017

This work had become the starting point in my performance/installation journey. I began working on cubes as a study of wood and metal. During that period of time, my interest in new medias led me into redefining what obsession meant to me. I kept on creating one cube after another (total of 100+ cubes) as well as bending different metals. I was aware, obsession, as a concept, was not alien to artists.

This work had become the starting point in my performance/installation journey. I began working on cubes as a study of wood and metal. During that period of time, my interest in new medias led me into redefining what obsession meant to me. I kept on creating one cube after another (total of 100+ cubes) as well as bending different metals. I was aware, obsession, as a concept, was not alien to artists.

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Performance / Film

Personal journey meant to highlight the dualistic and often paradoxical interplay between individuality and leadership. While leadership subdues individuality, it is individuality that gives rise to leadership through its own personal growth, thus creating a self-perpetuating and self-limiting cycle

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Endurance Performance / Painting

The premise behind this beautiful study in color is simple enough- the twin painting features exactly 1.5 million brush strokes, divided evenly between the two canvasses, with each stroke standing for one victim of the 1915 Armenian Genocide

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Untilted performance

Untilted performance

Untilted perfomance, 2019

We explore the liberation of instinctual movement as it intersects with creative expression, using color as our medium and the body as our brush. Beginning with a pristine, untouched space — an empty table within a blank room — we set the stage for an unfolding transformation driven purely by impulse and intuition. Our actions are unscripted, our gestures unplanned, as we dive into an organic process of painting with our bodies, hands, and any available tools. The room becomes our canvas, and through each spontaneous movement, we blur the boundary between artist and artwork.


Performance / Mystery

In this performance, guests were invited into a Lucile house to witness an artist’s life unfold year by year. However, they were required to view the performance through a mirror, reversing their gaze and positioning them as both spectators and participants in a unique shared reflection.