“Freestyle” is a personal journey meant to highlight the dualistic and often paradoxical interplay between individuality and leadership. While leadership subdues individuality, it is individuality that gives rise to leadership through its own personal growth, thus creating a self-perpetuating and self-limiting cycle. In my piece, this is represented through the creation of an indented environment, in which figures/bodies are subjected to extreme manipulation as they track the inputs interposed by the artist. Their expressions grow stronger and more passionate, no doubt reflecting their more confident sense of selves, yet they simultaneously fall under the ever-growing control of the Leader, the artist.
“Freestyle” forces its viewer to experience an infinite amount of possibilities and limitations for movement and acts within closed space simultaneously. This “uncomfortable performance” yearns for the audience’s feedback, but pays no heed to it, in homage to much of the popular culture icons’ behavior on social media, as well as the populist politicians. Looking back at the art I’ve made before, where I desired for unexpected expressions, I’ve concluded for myself that true joy is found in reclaiming freedom of expression in the most controlled environments rather than having it thrown upon you as a gift of birthright. Something earned is always more valuable than something received for free. This is the journey that I went through personally, and I hope to take my audience through it as well.